The Great Khali whose real name is Dalip Singh Rana,born on aug27 in 1972 and he is from Dhirana village of Himachal Pradesh in India and he currently resides at Jalandhar in the Punjab State of India. He is man who has created his own destiny from a road side street Laborer to a Punjab State Police officer and then from a Great Legendary Wrestler to a Hollywood Mega Star by acting in the Multi Million Dollar Movie "The Longest Yard. Physically he stands above 7 foot 3 inches and weighs more that 420 pounds, domination every individual wrestles in the world and that why he is regarded as "The Strongest man of India". He is one of the tallest and most powerful wrestlers ever to set foot in the World Wrestling Federation, with only Giant Gonzales being taller.he made is WWE Debut On Smackdown, 7 April 2006.He made is training in United States Of America in1999,where he developed the necessary skills to become a part of wwe.On January 2, 2006, Singh was signed to a contract by WWE and assigned to the Deep South Wrestling developmental territory for training.On debut totally knocked out The Undertaker, The Phantom, The Dead Man.As if not satisfied with this he beat up every Smack Down Star who came his way.He totally annihilated The Undertaker at JUDGEMENT DAY 2006 on May 21.The Great Khali has wrestled throughout the world, including Japan, where he is regarded as a popular wrestling icon. He is the only Indians moved to International professional Wrestling stage and achieved the success of becoming the world Heavy weight Champion by wining the twenty men battle royal in 2007 .In India he is considered as a Wrestling God and his fans worship him next to Sri Ravi Shankar , Bhagat Singh or Mother Teresa.Hence it is great to see an India in wwe.
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